by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals, Teaching Tips
Blending sounds to make words is a learning process. The first step for blending 3 letter Short Vowel words is to have your child break the word into 2 parts. For example the word, “Pig” will should be broken into the sounds: “P” and “ig.” With practice and over time...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals
The point of teaching Sound Exceptions are so that children can identify Letter/Sound Patterns and use these patterns to figure out unfamiliar words. For example, if a child sees the Y at the end of a word and the child knows that when the letter “Y” is at the end of...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals
Controlled R words are exactly that, words that are controlled by the letter R. What does that mean? Let me explain better through examples. Controlled Ar words are words like: “Bar, Car, Far, Hard, Lard, Tar, and Star.” In these words the “Ar” produces the sound of...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals
Sight Words are also called High Frequency Words or Memory Words. These words are the words that are commonly used in the written language. It is helpful for children to memorize Sight Words because they are used often in books and if children have these words...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals
Grammar are the rules for writen and oral langauge. Our program teaches Grammar rules so that children learn to recognize the rules of writen text. As the students read, they are learning how words come together to form sentences, about punctuations marks, about...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals, Teaching Tips
Here are some ideas of fun activities you can use to practice Letters, Letter Sounds, Sight Words, and Phonics? Memory Game Alphabet: Flash cards with Uppercase and Lowercase letters. Turn all Flashcards face down. Then, Parent and Child take turns turning 4-6...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals, Teaching Tips
The 10 First Steps to Teaching a Child to Read: Letter Identification: Can identify the Uppercase and Lowercase letters of the Alphabet Letter Sounds: Knows the sounds of the Letters Sight Words: Memorizes the most common words in the English Language Letter Blending...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Heather's Blog, Reading Fundamentals
There is a national non profit website called that has graded 200,000 public and private schools in the country on a scale on 1 to 10 and a community rating based on 1-5 stars. 1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest score and 1 star...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals
Fluency is the speed and accuracy of your child’s reading. It means how fast your child can read without making mistakes with the text. Comprehension is how much your child understands what he/she is reading.
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals, Teaching Tips
I think reading to your child is important and that there is no need to stop reading to your child if your child enjoys hearing stories. Reading aloud models correct reading techniques and models how to read with expression. When you do read aloud to your child you...
by Heather Ross | Apr 7, 2016 | Reading Fundamentals, Teaching Tips
More ideas for teaching LEtter Sounds: 1. Videos on 2. Flashcards: Say sound and have your child find the correct Letter 3. Flashcards: have you child say the Sound as he/she sees each Letter 4. Create a matching flashcard game of Pictures of...