What is the point of teaching the Alphabet?

What is the point of teaching the Alphabet?

The Alphabet is the names of the letters that make up words. Children need to be able to identify and name the Uppercase and Lowercase letters in text before they learn the sounds that the letters make. The Traditional Alphabet song at a normal speed is quite fast for...
How do you teach a child to read? What would be the 10 steps to teaching a child to read?

I am homeschooling my daughter and I just came across this program. I have been reading to her since birth, every day, and she LOVES to be read to, but gets frustrated easily while learning to read. She will not even look at the word to sound it out, and tunes me out. She doesn\’t do this with any other aspect of homeschooling, just the reading. How can we overcome this?

Hi, My advice for you would be to come up with a Reading Reward system for you and your child. For example, if your child is putting in full effort he/she will get 3 points, medium effort 2 points, having a hard time concentrating 1 point per page. Each point can be...
Should I read to my baby?

Should I read to my baby?

I do think it is important to read to babies. Reading demonstrates language, vocabulary, and expression. You can read familiar songs, nursery rhymes, short stories, or beggining word books. You can read books with sensory pictures as well.