Long Vowel Tips

Long Vowel sounds are when Vowels make the sound of their Letter Names. The Letter Names of the Vowels are the Letters of the Alphabet: A, E, I, O, and U.

About Long Vowel Tips

Long Vowel sounds are when Vowels make the sound of their Letter Names. The Letter Names of the Vowels are the Letters of the Alphabet: A, E, I, O, and U.

For example, the Vowel E in the word “Eat” is a Long Vowel sound because the E make the sound “E.” However, the Vowel E in the word “Egg” is a short Vowel because the E makes the sound “eh” which is a Short Vowel Sound.

Have your child watch the “What is a Vowel Video.” When you feel that your child knows the Vowels, use the Letter Flashcards to make sure. Take the Uppercase Letter Flashcards and place them face up and have your child find only the Vowels. Then, take the Lowercase Letter Flashcards and place them face up and have your child find only the Vowels. If your child can correctly identify the Vowels you know he/she knows the Vowels.

After your child knows which Letters are Vowels, teach your child to read Long Vowel A Vowel Consonant Vowel words. You first watch the Vowel Consonant Vowel Long Vowel A video. Then, you read the first story of Book 2. If you child needs additional help learning to read Long Vowel A Vowel Consonant Vowel words, see the Long Vowel A Vowel Consonant Vowel Flashcards.

After each Video Lesson is mastered move to the next Video Lesson. The videos go in the order of the stories.
