Here are some ideas of fun activities you can use to practice Letters, Letter Sounds, Sight Words, and Phonics?
Memory Game Alphabet: Flash cards with Uppercase and Lowercase letters. Turn all Flashcards face down. Then, Parent and Child take turns turning 4-6 Flashcards at a time face up and try to find matches of the same upper and lowercase letters. Person with the most matches wins
Letter Sound Matching Game: Flash cards with letters. Mom/Dad says letter sounds and the child has to find the correct letter to get the match.
Letter Sound Bingo: Make a bingo card of the different letters. Mom/Dad says letter sounds and the child has to find the letter on the Bingo card. If the child fills the card the child wins. You can make bingo cards with different letters on each so that on different days you can practice different sounds.
Sight Words Bingo: Make a bingo card of the different Sight Words. Mom/Dad says the Sight Word and the child has to find the word on the Bingo card. If the child fills the card the child wins. You can make bingo cards with different Sight Words on each so that on different days you can practice different Sight Words.
Sight Words on Flashcards: Sight Words are all about memorization. You can practice Sight Words by writing them on Flashcards and practicing them with your child.
WhiteBoard and marker. Write Vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and Common Consonant Endings (ex: b, d, g, n, p, t,) and have child practice blending them together. First do 2 letters blends then practice 3 letters Blends starting with A and only continuing to other vowels once your child masters 3 letter blending with each vowel.