Babysitter 101
Getting a new babysitter is scary experience. I know that I always have a knot in my stomach the first night when we leave our kids with a new babysitter.
My Criteria for a Babysitter:
If she is younger than 18, it’s nice if she lives nearby with parents that she could call if she needed help
I completely trust the girl
Has References,
CPR certified
Know of friends that love the babysitter.
My Babysitter Procedure:
I also leave my insurance card, a medical release form, and my Information for a Babysitter Letter.
I always call about 1 hour after I leave to check everything is ok.
Before I leave I remind my babysitter my most important requirements: If my child throws up or has a fever call me RIGHT AWAY and that she is not to open the door for anyone b/c we are not expecting any visitors.
Ways to find babysitter:
I have found that the best place to find a babysitter is from a friend.
Other ideas of places to find a babysitter are: a youth group at a religious organization you are associated with, a local high school, or asking teenage girls in your area if they babysit.
LEGAL NOTE: All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any advice on this site. If an end user chooses to follow the the advice they do so at their own risk and the owner is not liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.
Information for a Babysitter Letter:
Parent Phone: _________________________________________________________
Parent Phone: _________________________________________________________
Where we will be: _________________________________________________________
Call me if:
While under your care, I would like my child to partake in these activities:
While under your care, my child may NOT partake in these activities:
While under your care, my child may NOT eat:
Please put my child/children to sleep: ( ) Yes or ( ) No
Bedtime Routine is ________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contacts and Phone Numbers:
American Association of Poison Control Centers 1-800-222-1222
Name of child/children’s Primary care Physician and Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________
Child’s full name: _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________ Weight of Child:______________________
Child is allergic to the following medications: _______________________________________( ) None
Child is taking the following medications: _________________________________________ ( ) None
Child has this Chronic Illness or parent has Special Instructions for this child:
_____________________________________________________________________________ ( ) None
Child’s full name: _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________ Weight of Child: ______________________
Child is allergic to the following medications: _______________________________________( ) None
Child is taking the following medications: _________________________________________ ( ) None
Child has this Chronic Illness or parent has Special Instructions for this child:
_____________________________________________________________________________ ( ) None
Additional Instructions:
***This is not a Legal Document or Medical Release form